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Course description 📖

💡 Starting a business is huge, but leading a business in the digital world is a FREAKING thing to do!

💡 There are still  22% of startups failing to pass their 1st year on average, and 50% their first 5 years of operations (according to statista). 

‼️ Everything is changing so fast, business models, market trends, consumers habits, or even the type of products needed, etc. 

💡 Building and scaling a startup in such a competitive and intense environment is completely different from the 90’s when Jeff Bezos created Amazon, or even early 20’s when Melanie Perkins created Canva.

💡 In order to be able to follow up with this speed and complexity and leverage the power of the digital era, entrepreneurs must find a way to move from “just having the business idea part” into “having the business idea and being able to lead and manage all the aspects of an entrepreneurial project to achieve the desired goal“.

💡 To put it simply, if you want to have successful digital businesses today, you need to master the art of “entrepreneurial leadership” leading the execution of your business idea. 

‼️ In this course, you will learn how you can embody the role of an “entrepreneurial leader” in an authentic and genuine way: YOUR OWN WAY and how you can use that to build and scale successful startups. 

This course is for you if...🚀🚀

👉 You are open to learn, curious and interested in topics related to “Advanced Technologies”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Startups”, “Business creation”.

👉 You have a startup idea and you are thinking about launching your business but doubting your ability to execute.

👉 You are a CEO of a startup and want to improve your leadership skills and management abilities.

👉 You are thinking about becoming a startup investor and want to learn how to evaluate the leadership and management skills of the founders.

👉 You want to learn how to manage and lead your team and build a grounding and sustainable work environment

What you'll learn 💡

✅💡 The difference between: Leading, Managing and Entrepreneurship

✅💡 How to develop an authentic leadership style as a founder

✅💡The challenges of launching and running a business in the digital era

✅💡 How to define your startup’s: vision, mission and value proposition

✅💡How to navigate uncertainties and turn them into opportunities

✅💡How to become a “business distributor instead of a “product innovator”

✅💡How to craft a business culture and sustain it

What you'll learn 💡

Dr. Nesrine Miro Padovani

Nesrine holds a PhD in system engineering and complexity management, she's a senior strategy & management consultant, a digital transformations' expert, a blockchain and IoT solutions architect, an entrepreneur and co-founder of 2 Tech Startups. She has been navigating the ladder of entrepreneurship and startups for more than 10 years and she's committed to promote more women in the tech field. Nesrine is also a private investor in 3 startups based between Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

Course Content

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Startup Leadership course introduction
Overview of the "Leadership" concept: History, Meaning and Styles
What's the "entrepreneurial leadership" ? Why is it important for startups founders?
How to define your startup's foundations: Vision, Mission and the value proposition
Climbing the ladders of the startups CEO role: Tasks, Challenges and Opportunities
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