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Course description 📖

💡Since its creation, Bitcoin has been playing a major role in the economic, financial and technological ecosystems in our world. 

💡If we are able to speak about concepts like decentralized applications, DeFi,  Web3, cryptocurrencies or NFTs today, it’s mainly thanks to the creation and the +10 years of Bitcoin’s existence. 

💡Regardless of the personal opinion that one can hold towards Bitcoin (either you are attracted by it as a digital asset or you think it’s worthless), there’s no doubt about the importance of understanding it and learning about it, if you want to be part of the future.  You might be interested in the future of work, the next Gen applications or even the future economic and financial trends and markets, your entry point to all of that is : BITCOIN!!

‼️ As a newcomer to the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world, this course will give a simple and efficient understanding of the main basics and concepts of Bitcoin  in terms of technology, market, usages and prices.

‼️ You will be able to understand how Bitcoin works, the philosophy behind it, its main components and what makes Bitcoin considered as the new “digital gold” by many individuals, organizations and most known investors in the world today. 

💡Your financial freedom starts by learning how you can deliberately use your money and build upon it, how you can create wealth and secure it for your family and yourself despite the market crashes, the economic recessions, etc. 

‼️ This course is your first step towards financial freedom and contains all the information that you need to start making the right decisions by yourself and gain full control over your life and finances.  

This course is for you if...🚀🚀

👉 You are open to learn, curious and interested in topics related to “Decentralization”, “Ownership”, “Financial Freedom”, “Store of Value”, “Markets”, “Investments” and “Advanced technologies”

👉 You have lost trust in the actual financial system and want to explore new ways of preserving the value of your money

👉 You are thinking about starting your journey in the Bitcoin market but don’t know from where to begin

👉 You feel confused about the massive amount of information circulating on the web, and want to have a simple and trustful resource that you can rely on to learn about Bitcoin and Blockchain. 

What you'll learn 💡

✅💡 The Bitcoin Blockchain foundations and its main elements

✅💡 Bitcoin consensus mechanism the Proof of Work, decentralization and anonymity

✅💡How to use Bitcoin in the real world: Public keys, Private keys and Wallets

✅💡 What makes Bitcoin different from other cryptocurrencies

✅💡What drives the Bitcoin market and what impacts the Bitcoin prices

✅💡Taxes and some regulations related to buying and selling Bitcoin

Meet your instructor 🎓

Dr. Nesrine Beldi Miro Padovani

Nesrine holds a PhD in system engineering and complexity management, she's a senior strategy & management consultant, a digital transformations' expert, a blockchain and IoT solutions architect, an entrepreneur and co-founder of 2 Tech Startups. She has been navigating the ladder of entrepreneurship and startups for more than 10 years and she's committed to promote more women in the tech field.
Nesrine is also a private investor in 3 startups based between Africa, Europe and the Middle East. She has been introduced to the Bitcoin world since 2017 and she has never left it. Nesrine holds a Blockchain and cryptocurrency UC Berkeley certification, and she's working with clients from Europe, Africa and the Middle East to demystify these concepts and define the best usages for such technology and innovations.

Course Content

Bitcoin 101 course Introduction
The Bitcoin Blockchain: How does it work and how to use it?
Security, Hacking, Anonymity, Scaling and Energy consumption in the Bitcoin Blockchain & Network
Understanding the Bitcoin market
Bitcoin vs. Others, the future of Bitcoin, regulations and taxes policies and buying and selling your Bitcoin on exchanges
Summary & Conclusion